Fire safety

Fire safety starts with cables

Nexans fire safety range

Electrical cables can warrant the supply of energy and the transmission of information

The main cause of casualties in indoor fire are smoke and hazardous emissions which significantly reduce the chance to escape and extend the damage to goods far behind the burned area. The contribution of cables is key both in active and passive protection. Electrical cables can warrant the supply of energy and the transmission of information. They can contribute to improve the time to escape the fire.

Cables are not dangerous on their own if adapted for the scope and correctly installed but present everywhere in large quantities.

  • Omnipresence: Cables - like pipes and air conditioning conduits - are everywhere around us, and most of the time not visible once they are installed. They link rooms and floors and go through the walls without interruption. In the event of a fire, cables can therefore be a vector of propagation of fire.


  • Large quantity: The sheer volume of cables in modern buildings due to the rapid technological evolution (electrical appliances, telephones, computer connections…) can be astonishing. In many office and shopping centres, new cables are added, to upgraded IT networks or new electrical security standards. All theses cables represent a significant quantity of fuel for fire.

According to the behaviour of fire safety cables during fire, they can be classified in two categories: 

  • Low fire-hazard cables: lower smoke opacity and gases emissions, even prevent flame from spreading and reduce heat release.
  • Fire resistant cables: ensure integrity of function during a fire.

Regulators, architects, engineering offices, contractors, wholesalers, cables manufacturers, etc. everyone should play an active role in the use of fire safety cables.

Nexans fire safety cables
Nexans fire safety cables

The majority of deaths in a fire are due to inhaling dangerous gases. It is vital to reduce the exposure time to these gases by facilitating safe evacuation with the best possible visibility.

Low Fire-Hazard cables ensure lower smoke opacity and gases emissions, prevent flame from spreading and reduce heat release.

A low level of opacity of smoke produced and acidity of the effluent are basic criteria in the selection of materials that, in the event of fire, make it possible to reduce the presence of dangerous gases and to facilitate escape. It is essential that the production of opaque smoke and harmful emissions is as low as possible during a fire.

Research has proven that cables could contribute strongly to contain a fire and to reduce smoke, toxic gases and heat release (Simulation of critical evacuation conditions for a fire scenario involving cables and comparison of two different cables - Patrick van Hees, Daniel Nilsson, Emil Berggren - Department of Fire Safety Engineering and System Safety - Lund University, Sweden - Brandteknik och Riskhantering. Lunds tekniska hogskola. Lunds universitet - Report 3147, Lund 2010)

Fire resistant cables are an essential component of any alarm circuit.
During fires, buildings should remain functional to help in the evacuation process. People’s safety is the priority: fire safety equipments like warning systems, smoke detector, smoke extractor, emergency exits, and fire lighting equipment are key and must remain functional. Electrical cables are the backbone of all these equipments.

Alsecure® range: Low Fire Hazard cables

Reduce smoke production and harmful emissions 

A low level of opacity of smoke produced and acidity of the effluent are basic criteria in the selection of materials that, in the event of fire, make it possible to reduce the presence of dangerous gases and to facilitate escape. It is essential that the production of opaque smoke and harmful emissions is as low as possible during a fire.

The majority of deaths in a fire are due to inhaling dangerous gases. It is vital to reduce the exposure time to these gases by facilitating safe evacuation with the best possible visibility

Restrict the propagation of fire and the heat release

Cables can be the means of propagation of a fire from one room to adjacent rooms; so the control of fire propagation along cable runs has been required in some National Regulations for many years in order to reduce this hazard.  

Benefits of ALSECURE® wires and cables

  • Significantly delay the propagation of a fire, thus gaining precious time for evacuation and fire-fighting
  • Reduce to a minimum opaque smoke and acid gases, the prime cause of fire-related deaths, and damage to equipment and structures
  • A wide range fitting the different country regulations, building types and electrical applications.

The ALSECURE® range is already available and can already contribute to changing the level of safety in your projects. Anticipate the future adopting the new generation of safe cables ALSECURE® by Nexans.

Alsecure® Plus & Alsecure® Premium: Fire resistant cables

Fire resistant cables ensure integrity of function during a fire by enabling the security systems (video surveillance, smoke ventilation, audio alarms...) to continue functioning for a certain time after the fire has started. Nexans ALSECURE cables comply with these requirements..

Alsecure Plus is Nexans’ full range of Fire resistant cable  based on different technologies  (silicone rubber or mica tape)  in accordance with the national standards.

Recently  Nexans broaden its cable range with a new product bringing exceptional mechanical performance, making the installation  easier: the Alsecure Premium range, based on the patented INFIT insulation technology.

It delivers the same fire-performance characteristics as its predecessors; however, it adds new value to your installations by creating important time-saving and thus cost-saving advantages

Nexans fire safety product range
Construction products regulation

The CPR for Reaction to Fire cables became effective in 2016 according to the product standard EN50575:2014 that was listed on the ECOJ C 378 (Notice No. 2015/C 378/03) on the 13th of November.

Starting from the 1st of July 2017, every product must be CE marked and needs to have Declaration of Performance

In each Member State a CPR Contact Point has been established to provide information.

Nexans and the CPR

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